
We know there is an avalanche of generic information available about brain health. 

We guide you to focus on what is specific to you.

You are unique

There is nothing cookie cutter about real solutions that last

Our Programs

Being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease or related dementia does not have to cause such a devastating change in lifestyle, but it does entail change.  These sessions are to support the care partner as he or she cares for a person with cognitive impairment and the changes that happen or need to happen.  Starting with education, we will strategize and determine needed resource and create an action plan.  We will be as involved in implementing this plan as the client desires.  

FOCUS: During these sessions, we will identify and triage solutions for top goals for the client and care team.  These range from adjusting to behavior and ability changes to identifying resources in the community.  If it is relevant to the person with dementia, it is relevant to us.

This program is designed for those who are already concerned about changes they or their loved ones are seeing in their cognition, specifically, showing signs of cognitive decline as well as those who have already been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia. 

FOCUS: This One-year program includes a comprehensive panel of bloodwork including genetics, hormones and biotoxins.  This program focuses on diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, brain training and detox.  This program also includes care partner coaching.

This program is designed for those who are wanting a more comprehensive assessment of their risk for developing a type of dementia.  This program is for those with a family history of dementia and/or those with a genetic risk, for women who are in or post menopause, for men with men with low “T” and for those who are feeling like they are already beginning to “slip” cognitively.

FOCUS: This 6-month program includes a thorough panel of bloodwork, including genetics and hormones and focuses on diet, exercise, sleep, stress management and basic overall detox.  

This program is designed for those who are looking to get started on their journey for brain health and those wanting a basic assessment of their risk for developing a type of dementia based on their overall health.

FOCUS: This 3-month program includes minimal bloodwork and focuses on diet, exercise and sleep.